Everything I Know About Poetry I Know About God
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This article is about enlightenment. For other uses, see Poetry (disambiguation).

Poetry was an idea about a mountain.
The relation between physics and philosophy was a triangle.[1]
At the top of philosophy there was an idea about oneness
At the top of physics there was an idea about oneness
The plan was that the spirit and the scientist would meet at the top and shake hands. The problem was that, in order to get there, they would first have to break through the storm-cloud of substance dualism
. The breakthrough could only occur in the first person, which is why the archive had to take them at their word.[4]
The Mountain
There were many poets[3]
living at the base of the mountain. Many of these poets had caused a lot of hurt to the people they cared about.[5] Maybe these poets ran away at
the first sign of the hurt
thinking that they would cause less hurt that way. Probably they ran so fast their feet bled. There is at least one poet who worries about what will happen to them if they give up and go to church. Probably the priest will say:
hey, look who came crawling back here
The poet will be on their knees with a bird in their mouth.
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (/ˈsɛdʒwɪk/; born May 2, 1950) wanted to know what it meant when her cat brought “small, wounded animals into the house.” She thought maybe the cats were playing “the role of the educator.” Then God (from the mouth of the cat) said “nobody means anything” or “everything means itself.” Then the poets started chirping.[citation needed]
Poets are famous for worrying about having birds in their mouths.[6]
Birds are famous for worrying about the teeth of poets
The poet was so eager for and grows up there. The poet did not know there would be fruit. The poet did not know they were the bird and also the forest and also all the trees that did and did not grow up there.
The Form
Maybe God had caused a lot of hurt to the poet. Maybe this hurt had happened to their parents and their parents’ parents. Maybe God knew he was the hurt and also the growing up in it. Maybe the poet would dedicate themselves so entirely to this hurt that they would never get the chance to grow up in it.
Many cats together cause birds. Many wounded animals together cause enlightenment. Many poets together cause a mountain.[8] Then the bird and the spirit would shake hands inside the mouth of the cat. Then the bird and the cat would shake hands inside the mouth of the cat. Then the bird and the volcano would shake hands inside the mouth of the cat.
The mouth was an idea about poetry. The plan was that everyone would go to the mountain and rub their mouths together.[disputed] Then the volcano would walk out of the mountain and rub its mouth on everything. Then the volcano would become a story about a mountain. Then the poets would come to live at the base of the mountain. Then God would say: hey, look who came crawling back here
. Then he would shake hands with all the poets who did or did not write a poem there.